数据库共享平台 -- 细胞查询-- 详细信息
产品目录号  GKC-LMP010071
产品名称  Human GSK3A-A549 KO Cell Pool
基因编号   GSK3A
Uniprot_id  P49840
宿主细胞   A549 
组织来源   人非小细胞肺癌细胞
规格   1×106cells/T25培养瓶或1×106cells/冻存管
培养基  MEM+10%FBS+1%P/S
筛选标记   N/A
生长特性   贴壁细胞,上皮细胞样
培养条件   37℃,5% CO2的培养箱
传代比例   1/2到1/3传代,2-3天长满
筛选标记   N/A
换液频率   2-3天换液
支原体检测结果   阴性
蛋白组验证结果   N/A
抗体验证结果   N/A
目标基因介绍   Constitutively active protein kinase that acts as a negative regulator in the hormonal control of glucose homeostasis, Wnt signaling and regulation of transcription factors and microtubules, by phosphorylating and inactivating glycogen synthase (GYS1 or GYS2), CTNNB1/beta-catenin, APC and AXIN1 (PubMed:11749387, PubMed:17478001, PubMed:19366350). Requires primed phosphorylation of the majority of its substrates (PubMed:11749387, PubMed:17478001, PubMed:19366350). Contributes to insulin regulation of glycogen synthesis by phosphorylating and inhibiting GYS1 activity and hence glycogen synthesis (PubMed:11749387, PubMed:17478001, PubMed:19366350). Regulates glycogen metabolism in liver, but not in muscle (By similarity). May also mediate the development of insulin resistance by regulating activation of transcription factors (PubMed:10868943, PubMed:17478001). In Wnt signaling, regulates the level and transcriptional activity of nuclear CTNNB1/beta-catenin (PubMed:17229088). Facilitates amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing and the generation of APP-derived amyloid plaques found in Alzheimer disease (PubMed:12761548). May be involved in the regulation of replication in pancreatic beta-cells (By similarity). Is necessary for the establishment of neuronal polarity and axon outgrowth (By similarity). Through phosphorylation of the anti-apoptotic protein MCL1, may control cell apoptosis in response to growth factors deprivation (By similarity). Acts as a regulator of autophagy by mediating phosphorylation of KAT5/TIP60 under starvation conditions which activates KAT5/TIP60 acetyltransferase activity and promotes acetylation of key autophagy regulators, such as ULK1 and RUBCNL/Pacer (PubMed:30704899). Negatively regulates extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors. Promotes the formation of an anti-apoptotic complex, made of DDX3X, BRIC2 and GSK3B, at death receptors, including TNFRSF10B. The anti-apoptotic function is most effective with weak apoptotic signals and can be overcome by stronger stimulation (By similarity). Phosphorylates mTORC2 complex component RICTOR at 'Thr-1695' which facilitates FBXW7-mediated ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of RICTOR (PubMed:25897075).
细胞系生成   采用CRISPR方法生成Human GSK3A-A549 KO Cell Pool
数据说明   Sanger 测序结果显示Human GSK3A-A549 KO Cell Pool敲除效率为100%
应用   体内和体外测定
复苏   1)在37℃水浴中预热完全培养基。 2)将冻存管在 37℃水浴中解冻1-2分钟。 3)将冻存管转移到生物安全柜中,并用70%乙醇擦拭表面。 4)拧开冻存管管盖,将细胞悬液轻轻转移到含有9mL完全培养基的无菌离心管中。 5)在室温下以125g离心5-7分钟,弃上清。 6)用5mL的完整培养基重悬细胞沉淀,将细胞悬液转移到T25培养瓶中。 7)将细胞转移到37℃,5% CO2的培养箱中培养。 8)参考传代比例:1/2到1/3传代,2-5天长满。
传代   1)待培养瓶中细胞汇合度至80%-90%以上,可进行细胞传代。 2)将培养基、PBS、胰酶(0.25%Trypsin_EDTA Gibco 25200-056)等从4℃冰箱中拿出,置于37℃水浴中温度接近37℃时取出并在瓶子表面喷洒75%酒精后置于生物安全柜中。 3)从培养箱中取出待传代的培养瓶,瓶身喷洒75%酒精后置于生物安全柜中。 4)为避免冲散细胞,沿培养瓶上壁PBS润洗细胞,清洗细胞后弃去,T25加2mL。 5)加入对应体积的胰酶(T75加1.5mL,T25加0.5mL),并轻轻晃动瓶身使胰酶平铺满细胞底部。可根据实际情况适当增加或减少用量。约1-2min后大部分细胞脱落时,加入对应体积的完全培养基终止消化,并用5mL移液管轻轻吹打至细胞全部脱落。 6)将细胞悬液转移至15mL离心管,悬液300g离心5min,弃上清。 7)移取5mL完全培养基重悬细胞,按需求调整接种比例,并补充培养瓶中完全培养基,T75加至13-15mL,T25加至5mL,加1%双抗。 8)盖上瓶盖拧紧后轻轻晃动瓶身,使细胞混合均匀后置于37℃,5% CO4培养箱中。
细胞冻存   1)准备冻存液,并提前预冷。 2)确保待冻存的细胞满足冻存要求,用显微镜检查以下状态:健康的外观及形态特征、所处生长周期(对数晚期)、无污染或衰退迹象。 3)对细胞进行消化及离心处理(具体步骤参考传代培养流程) 4)按照每管1mL的量添加冻存液重悬细胞,吹打均匀后分装至冻存管。 5)将细胞放在程序降温盒中,在-80℃冰箱中冷冻。 6)后续将细胞转移到液氮罐中,以便长期储存。